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Tag: Actividades

Botelo’s third blogtrip opens in Madrid

Botelo’s third blogtrip opens in Madrid

This weekend the “boteloneta” will set off to visit O Barco and various points in the Valdeorras region to introduce the bottle to journalists and gastronomic experts. This year, journalists who work in the media in Madrid and also Galician professionals will be around the lands of the bottle. The objective of this activity of the Botelo Festival program is the promotion and communication in social networks and media of the Botelo de O Barco product and its touristic-cultural environment….

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The third blogtrip of the bottle opens to Madrid lands

The third blogtrip of the bottle opens to Madrid lands

This weekend the “boteloneta” will set off to visit O Barco and various points in the Valdeorras region to introduce the bottle to journalists and gastronomic experts. This year, journalists who work in the media in Madrid and also Galician professionals will be around the botelo. The objective of this activity of the Festa do Botelo program is the promotion and communication in social networks and media of the Botelo de O Barco product and its touristic-cultural environment. The activity…

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