The XVII Boat Festival celebrated this product with 1300 attendees at the official meal

The XVII Boat Festival celebrated this product with 1300 attendees at the official meal

The 17th Botelo do Barco Festival gathered 1300 people in the greatest exaltation of this sausage in which the pig’s stomach filled with marinated ribs is the protagonist. This product is eaten cooked with vegetables and potatoes and since 2014 the exaltation festival has been declared of Tourist Interest in Galicia. This year, the party featured cartoonist Luis Davila and actor Carlos Blanco as announcers. His ingenious two-handed proclamation, drawn and spoken, was well received and caused a lot of laughter at the Lauro Olmo Theater where they sought to “tune” and give new uses to the bottle by turning it into an “air bottle” airplane or into a pair of sneakers and even to be a yogurt.

Obdulia Fidalgo, known as Lula A Pulpeira, who was the cook in charge of cooking the bottle for 15 years of the party, also received an honorable mention at the proclamation ceremony. Lula recalled in his speech the beginnings of the party and all the work they had to do.

A actividade no Día do Botelo comezou cunha feira de produtos tradicionais na Praza Andrés de Prada onde hai 14 postos que venden botelos, mel, marmeladas, etc. Esta feira estará aberta toda a fin de semana.

A comida comezou ás 14:30 horas no pavillón de Calabagueiros. Nela degustaronse 750 quilos de botelo, 350 de verdura e 500 quilos de patacas. Todo elo regado cunhas 600 botellas de viño mencía e servido por 50 camareiros e con 12 persoas na cociña. No pavillón houbo unha zona de venda de camisetas e botellas de viño, así como un photocall e tamén un fotomatón para levar fotos de recordo deste día.

A festa do botelo continua nesta tarde coa emisión en directo do programa da TVG, Aquí Galicia, dende a Praza Andrés de Prada e a segunda edición dos Cantos de Taberna. Seis grupos estarán amenizando a tarde-noite en doce bares da vila.

O domingo continuará a feira de produtos tradicionais na Praza Andrés de Prada coa actuación do grupo Os Palletas. E pola tarde pecharase a actividade ás 19 horas coa actuación de Carlos Blanco e Luís Davila no seu espectáculo Menú da Noite. As entradas estarán á venda ao prezo de 10 € unha hora antes na billeteira do Teatro Lauro Olmo.

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