To our great surprise, we are sorry to inform you that all 950 tickets were sold out in 45 minutes this afternoon. This is good news for everyone, we thank you for the great welcome and invite you to make reservations at the restaurants in town.

The restaurants: Piquiño, Agarimo, Al Natural, Casa Galaica, Restaurante Fernando III and Pazo do Castro will be the ones offering the menu on their cards. Those interested will have to make a reservation at the premises.

Reservation telephone numbers

Piquiño: 988 68 23 49

Piquiño Valdeorras

Agarimo: 988 32 19 35


Al Natural: 609 13 81 91

Al natural

Fernando III: 988 32 03 71

Restaurante Fernando III

Pazo do Castro: 988 34 74 23

Logo Pazo JPEG

Casa Galaica: 988 34 72 35

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