Festa do Botelo in Coruña or February 20
The third edition of the Botelo Festival in the city of Coruña will be held next February 20. The place will be the same as previous editions, or the Mirador de San Pedro restaurant. The party will begin at 1:30 p.m. with a reception and then a meal with a bowl as the protagonist. There will also be a musical group entertaining after dinner. To accompany the bottle food there will be the wines of the Godeval, D´berna and Cooperativa Xesús Nazareno wineries. Reservations can be made by paying for food with an account number. Those who go in a group have to specify the name of the group to which they belong in order to organize the tables.
The Concello do Barco is organizing this new edition of Botelo in the capital of Hercules to continue the dissemination of the king of Valdeorrés winter products. The bottle, that is to say, the stomach of the pork recheo of decorated and later smoked shells is becoming widely recognized and spread throughout the Valdeorresas lands. This Festival of Tourist Interest in Galicia since 2014 continues its promotion and also provides food in A Coruña, and is preparing another one in Vigo in its second edition.