The VII Festa do Botelo in Coruña will be held on February 15 and tickets are open to purchase

The VII Festa do Botelo in Coruña will be held on February 15 and tickets are open to purchase

The seventh Botelo Festival in the city of Coruña will be held on Saturday, February 15. The venue for this new edition will be the Arbore da Veira restaurant on Monte de San Pedro, just like the six previous celebrations. The Concello do Barco de Valdeorras is organizing this new Botelo festival in the capital of Hercules to continue the dissemination of the king of Valdeorras winter products. The bottle, that is to say, the pork stomach rich in flavored shells, smoked and consumed cooked, is becoming widely recognized and spread throughout the Valdeorresas lands.

The party will begin at 12:30 with a reception of two meals and then the meal in which the starters will be a traditional stew soup and a typical empanada de maravallas. The main dish will have ao bocal as the protagonist, accompanied by cachelos, chourizos and vegetables. Everything is watered with Adega D’Berna’s Godello wines and Adega Roandi’s Mencía red wine. For after dinner there will be a drink of Adega Godeval liqueurs. Additionally, to liven up the end of the festival there will be a musical group. The reservation costs €36 per person and reservations can be made by paying an account number that the restaurant has open. Those who go in groups should specify the name of the group they belong to in order to organize the tables. Reservations can be made ata or xoves, February 13th.

Esta Festa de Interese Turístico de Galicia dende o ano 2014 celebrou o pasado día 18 de xaneiro a súa vixésima edición na vila do Barco. Agora continúa a súa promoción fóra das terras valdeorresas e ademais da comida na Coruña, xa se está preparando outra en Vigo na súa VI edición para o día 7 de marzo.

Xeito de efectuar a reserva:
1 – Ingreso ou transferencia na conta: IBAN ES52 2080 0012 3330 4004 9959 . Titular da conta:
O Xardín de Árbore.
2 – Directamente no Restaurante previo pago en efectivo ata dous días antes do evento.
INFORMACIÓN Teléfono: 625 187 101

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