The VIII “Botelo” Party in Barco in Vigo is held on March 4 at the Coia Hotel
The VIII “Do Botelo” Party in Barco in Vigo will take place next March 4 at the Coia Hotel. Organized by the Barco Council as part of its campaign to promote Barco gastronomy, a menu will be offered consisting of stewed soup, maravalas empanada, botelo and chorizos with turnips and cachelos and bica. Everything, accompanied by wines from Valdeorras and, at the end, there will be a musical performance. The price established for this edition of the Festa do Botelo in Vigo is 32 euros.
Reservations to participate in this party, in which the mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, and the president of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, Carmela Silva, are expected to be present, must be made in advance by calling 986201820.
The Botelo Festival in Vigo will be the last botelo promotional event for this season. Remember that Barco’s king of winter sausage has been the protagonist of the Festival of Tourist Interest in Galicia since 2014.